Monday, January 14, 2008

In which I talk about music and give a heads up of things to come!

Among the wide variety of music on my Ipod, is some celtic stuff.  And a lot of it is by two groups both with the word Bards in the name.  The first is the Brobdingnagian Bards.  The second is the Bedlam Bards.  While I'm not entirely certain where I first discovered these groups, I'm pretty sure it was somehow related to Firefly filk.  I've downloaded a bunch of the songs that they've offered and bought some albums.  And I've enjoyed almost all of it.  I've also enjoyed some of the work done by Marc Gunn, one half of the Brobdingnagian Bards (type that three times fast...and no, I didn't copy and paste either time).  He's got a great CD of Irish drinking songs rewritten with feline lyrics.  Irish drinking songs for cat lovers.  Mom enjoys the copy of that CD that I got her for Christmas a few years back.  There's just something about Celtic music that strikes me.  I especially enjoy the more upbeat jigs (is that the right word?  Probably not.) and the humor of the songs.

And now, I've been given an opportunity to review the latest CD Marc has put together (and, full disclosure, get a free copy of it), the Renaissance Festival Podcast Compilation.  There's some stuff that looks interesting on the disc.  Some I've heard before, some I haven't.  A few artists I'm familiar with, many I'm not.  I'm looking forward to enjoying it.  Hopefully it will make the long hours of documenting databases, onboard models and probably some other stuff that is my life at work right now be a little less tedius.  And (as part of my obligation that comes along with the free copy) look for my review of it sometime in the next week or so.

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