Thursday, February 7, 2008

An article many people should read

It's past my bedtime and I still need to deal with the trash, but I wanted to post a link to an article that I think just about everyone and certainly everyone who knows me should read.  It's an old Atlantic Monthly article called "Caring for Your Introvert" and it strives to describe introverts and explain a little bit about why they (we) act the way they (we) do to those who are more extroverted.  I've never been really fond of labels for or broad, sweeping generalizations about groups of people, but I'll make an exception here.  This article seems to get a lot of things right about me and many of my friends who also fall closer to "i" than "e" on the Myers-Briggs test.


Jason said...

I'm soooo happy that the Atlantic Monthly has opened up their archives...

Bill said...

I'm just registering my presence. I really have nothing to say on the subject.

Christopher said...

Amanda once asked a police officer friend of ours why you so frequently see police cars pulled up next to each other. He turned to me and said, "Chris, when you're at work do you talk to your coworkers." I simply said "no."